Valentina has over five years of experience in applied health services research and program evaluation. She holds a Bachelor of Science from McMaster University and an MSc in Public Health with a Global Health specialization from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Before joining SE Health, Valentina held research and evaluation roles at several organizations, including CHAIN (the Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research), CCNM (Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine), Women’s College Hospital and the Dr. Jay Children’s Grief Centre. At the SE Research Centre, Valentina plays a key role in several projects such as the development of CESI-HCC, a new patient-reported experience measure (PREM) for integrated home and community care; the adaptation of Our Dementia Journey Journal through co-design with diverse populations; and the development of home and community-based alternatives to long-term care. Her research interests focus on advancing healthcare quality through culturally respectful and equitable care, integrated care and the development and use of health measurement tools. With strong project management and mixed-method research skills, along with a commitment to knowledge mobilization, Valentina is passionate about participatory research. She collaborates with experts-by-experience to co-create and test innovative solutions to improve care experiences and outcomes.
To contact Valentina:
Valentina Cardozo
Research Associate
Mobile: 416-522-7398